Because according to Bandura, human was the producer and as product of social system. It was not because the basic assumption that is owned by this theory that humans have flexibility to learn about different types of behavior in different situation, and humans also have the capacity to control their life. As well as the basic principle of behaviorism theory which regards organism as a controlled side by the rewards and punishments from the environment, he still lacks detail compared by the approach theory he developed more subtle, even significant. Buku ini berisi mengenai sejarah dan perkembangan teori kepribadian, tipologi-tipologi dalam psikologi kepribadian, pengertian, perkembangan. Evolution theory believed that the biological factor would not change. The characteristic theory is too focused on consistency of behavior in various situations. Diakses pada tanggal 08 Februari 2017 dari : file:///C:/Users/Hewlett-Packard/Downloads/3009-5531-1-SM.pdf. Bandura looked at the existence of personality theories such as psychoanalysis, emphasized on the strength of unconsciousness and the influence of childhood. Through Bandura’s theory developed, the social learning theory or social cognitive more refers to Skinner view about conditioning theory. The various viewpoints of personality experts apparently caused Albert Bandura to develop his investigation focus in psychology.